★Rumor: BlackBerry Bluetooth watch coming soon | BlackBerry Cool
Back at WES 2009, the VP of RIM Antoine Boucher, confirmed the upcoming BlackBerry Bluetooth Headset and apparently let it slip that a Bluetooth watch was in development.
The watch would be a hub for all your notifications including facebook, BBM, email and SMS. It may also include some of the functionality of the VM 605, which allows you to send music from your BlackBerry to the car stereo.
While it is rumor at the moment, I can tell you I definitely see this happening. RIM has a history of letting accessory details slip well in advance of the product launch. Before the VM 605 launched, journalists were playing with it months in advance. I’m predicting we’ll be seeing much more news about this accessory as we near the holiday season.
以前こちらで紹介したBluetooth watch「MBW-150」は今ひとつ実用的ではないと聞いていますが、BlackBerryに最適化した周辺機器として出てくるのであれば話は違ってくるような気もします(笑)。