TwitterBerry/GPS Logger バージョンアップ情報  Posted by Ichigo


★TwitterBerry 0.9 Beta 7

  • New features in Beta 7:
    • App Icon support! When receiving replies or Direct Messages, there will be a small TwitteBerry icon, similar to the Facebook or Email icon
    • Embedded Camera – Try the “Take Photo” menu item from the main “What Are You Doing?” screen


    • Added an automatic upgrade notification.
    • Added an “Invalid Username/Password” screen to prompt users to correct their invalid password
  • Bug Fixes in Beta 7:
    • @username linking would not select the last character of a tweet if the username was the last word
    • Picture uploads will use WiFi if connected to an access point

★GPS Logger v0.6.4.1

    • Renamed Option ‘Use absolute elevation values’ in ‘Use inverted elevation values’ (and adjusted the internal implementation)
  • What’s fixed?
    • Logging will record altitude again

