• saving non-ascii texts results in garbled text • handling of edge cases when running out of space on sd card and in device memory • open-edit-upload usecase wasn’t working for devices with encryption enabled • share link freezes for some users • open-edit-upload usecase fails for files with non-ascii filenames • “would you like to allow logging” dialog shouldn’t appear on first launch • on rotatable devices, in image gallery, the displayed/cached image is smaller than screen size (shouldn’t happen) • app should ask for permissions in advance on first launch • app should support multiple third-party app associations for a given file type (e.g multiple pdf viewers) • music/video stops when screen fades out • user gets a “not enough room to write file” message when trying to open a file that’s already open in docs2go • uploading file changes for file stored in folder with non-ASCII characters can result in creation of damaged folder name with contents of a new file • user interface rotation glitches on some screens • BES permissions problems • resolve some chronic upload retry issues and related UI glitches • file browser lagginess when dealing with non-ASCII characters in file names |