Updated help URLs for Facebook 3.2
Auto-linking to Facebook friends in address book did not occur
Menu items missing for 5.0 devices
Scrolling Issues on the BlackBerry Curve 9360
Sharing a friend’s photo creates a comment on wall instead of posting the photo
Long user name is cutoff in profile header on profile screen
Some friends are not displayed in friends list with large user account
When the user opens the photo comment notification and commends after friend, only “comment” is displayed in the outgoing notifications list
Cant Scroll in the Menu “Notifications” with Touch Screen
Unable to comment on my own photo wont send Error 2121
Title on Group Wall publisher changes: initially using full name, then switching to first name
Null shows in location field of an event in calendar
A blank event screen displays after event is canceled while you trying to refresh screen Initial scroll up will not take user to the top of the Event Wall – Event Photo, Title and Type are not visible
Facebook message always stays in sending status