BlackBerry 10でもアプリをバックグランドで動かせるようになるかも知れないという話


BlackBerry Jam Americaで出た話らしくCrackberryに記事が上がっていました。

Going Headless – Background app support coming soon to BlackBerry 10

It’s no secret that BlackBerry 10 users are dying to have apps with the ability to run in the background. As it stands now, BlackBerry 10 apps need to be open (or in Active Frames) to perform any sort of background task. Which, as you can imagine, can be pretty annoying at times.

While looking over the BlackBerry Developer Blog today, I came across this new post regarding some sessions that will be happening next week at BlackBerry Jam Americas in Orlando. What caught my eye was session JAM47 which is described as:

JAM47 – Background Services ? Event Driven Processing for your Application

The session will discuss the brand new Background Services framework which allows developers to bundle a separate process with their application to run in the background without a UI. Learn the basics of how this framework works, learn some guidelines about when to use it and when not to, and learn about the experiences of existing app partners that successfully deployed a background service and lessons learned from their projects.


現在BlackBerry 10では常時動かしておく必要のあるアプリはすべてタスク画面に置いておく必要があります。

記事のとおり、今後BlackBerry OSのように裏に回って動かせるようになるのであれば、そこで初めてタスク画面が活きてくるような気がしますw。
