Until today the only place to get yourself a BlackBerry Bold 9900 in the UK was through Vodafone. However today customers of O2 UK can rejoice as the Bold 9900 is now available through the network. Pricing is coming in at a slightly lower range than through Vodafone, as you can get the device free on the £32 a month tariff and above. The contract runs for 24 months but there is an 18 month contract where you would pay £5 more than the 24 month contract. For £32 you get 300 mins, unlimited texts and a choice of a data allowance bundle – £3/month for The Basics 100MB, £6/month for The All Rounder 500MB and £10/month for The Works 1GB, the All Rounder bundle is included in the monthly payment.
引用元: BlackBerry Bold 9900 now available from O2 UK | CrackBerry.com. |
BlackBerry Bold 9900がUKのO2から発売のようです。